Total Wine & More

Total Wine & More asked ASA to assist it in modernizing New York’s outdated ABC Laws as part of their continual goal to better serve customers.  

ASA implemented a robust, targeted education campaign capitalizing on our knowledge of NY’s esoteric ABC laws, deep understanding of the unique legislative process and essential relationships within the Legislature and Executive. We were able to raise the awareness of the Sunday Hours restriction for retailers to a level that garnered both support and legislative bill sponsorship in both houses. 

When it came time for New York’s ABC Law Reform Commission to be empaneled, ASA assisted the appointing authorities within the Executive Administration and Legislature to identify key business and industry stakeholders to serve on the commission.  When the ABC reform Commission made its final recommendations for statutory changes to the Executive and Legislature in 2023, adjusting the permissible Sunday Hours for Wine & Spirit retailers was near unanimous amongst the members.

Building off the recommendation of the commission, ASA led the effort in partnership with the NYS Business Council and bill sponsors to move the legislation through committee and onto the floor of both houses where the bill was taken up and passed in the closing days of Legislative Session. Knowing that the additional Sunday hours would be most important for retailers and shoppers during the busiest season of the year, ASA worked closely with the Executive and Legislature to transmit the bill for the Governor’s approval before the beginning of fall.  

Effective immediately upon the Governor signing the bill, Wine and Spirit Retailers across the State could now serve their customers from 10am to 10pm on Sundays.